Saturday, 4 August 2012


With great pleasure I am looking forward to going on a 5 day silent retreat tomorrow with the Benedictine's at their monastery in the tiny village community of Macheke.

Being Zimbabwe there will be no internet and I am looking forward to that kind of silence also.

I have the sense of something beckoning, and hope that with time to be still and silent and reflect it will come more into focus. Then again it may not, I find myself in the hands of the Holy Spirit and wait in openness and with attentiveness. And there is a deep pleasure in that waiting.

So I shall catch up with you all when I return - I shall be a away for another week after the retreat as I am going on holiday for a week afterwards. All in all quite a lot of pleasure in the immediate future.


  1. Keeping you in prayer and hopes for both retreat and vacation.

  2. Thank you, such gift of prayer is appreciated.

  3. Joining Robin in praying with and for you during this time. Silence is a gift on and of itself. The rest will come into focus in its own time, I suppose.

  4. Peace and prayers be with you; I hope you will experience much beauty.


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