Friday, 3 June 2011

Driving with Small

Small came home this evening and said he needed to buy some sports energy drinks as he has a long day refereeng rugby matches tomorrow. I duly handed over the cash and he was half out the door before turning around and saying did I want to come for a ride?

On impulse I said, sure why not?

I didn't think that we would need to visit three shops before we found the brand he likes best.

On the way around several neighbourhoods we stopped for coffee in one place and ice cream in another. We talked and laughed and generally had a good time and it took us an hour and half to shop for four bottles of energy drink, some chewing gum and a chocolate. Not my style at all .... these days I am all about efficiency and getting food in to feed voracious teenage boys. Still it was fun to be reminded of one of the good parts of being a teenager when the idea was simply to hang, seeing and being seen and without a dozen things that need to be done.

He has gone out now to Youth Group but we did have fun and I think suddenly how much I like this boy - sometimes that liking just gets lost in busyness but this evening it was very good to savour it.

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