Saturday 3 September 2011


Patsy is a school friend's mother. She and I have been close friends for years and have lunched once a week since my boys were old enough to stay at school till the afternoon.

She died this morning as she wanted. Just her and her Lord in the wee small hours, crossing over without fuss and without undue melodrama and mostly without efforts to resuscitate her. The leukaemia which has made her so frail and gave her so much pain these last few months finally overwhelming her body.

But never her spirit.

Never her spirit.

Sing joyous songs with your Lord Patsy,

for I am singing a sad song this night. How shall I get on with out your faith and love and presence?


  1. Oh no....I'm so sorry. Holding you in prayer...and praying for the repose of her soul, may she rest in peace.

  2. Oh, I am so very sorry. (And reading through posts backward.) What a terrible loss for you. May you know yourself surrounded by grace.


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