Tuesday, 27 October 2020

No need to make a plan!

 Zimbabweans have a favourite saying. "we'll make plan". We are very proud of our ability to make a plan. Indeed I have an American friend (who choses to live here) who calls Zimbabwe Make-A-Plan-Land. Given our turbulent political and economic history it is a trait that has stood us in good stead. And for the many, many Zimbabweans, in what we call the Diaspora, who have fled, legally or illegally, to make a new life in other countries all over the world being able to "make a plan" has enabled them to settle successfully into their new homes.

So I "made a plan" to obtain the books that I want to read that are not available here. Amazon and Barnes and Noble do not deliver to Zimbabwe (they probably cant find us on the map!!) so I buy on iBooks. Usually this works well. It is also difficult to buy books or anything for that matter in a currency that is not tradable in the world markets.

Imagine my frustration when Michelle Francl-Donnay's Advent book was only available in the Spanish language version! But undaunted I wrote to the author enquiring when the English version would be available in iBooks. Graciously she promptly wrote back giving me various option in which the book was available. I was in the process of making a plan with my son who is in the diaspora and living an working in the United Kingdom to give me an early birthday present when Michelle generously sent me a copy. 

I was speechless in the face of such generosity but as I have reflected I am also taken-a-back at not having to make a plan at all. And for the first time I wonder if we Zimbabweans don't take our "making a plan" too far....... and if it doesn't close out Grace. Such Grace and Generosity as has been given me recently.

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