Saturday, 14 May 2011

And there is my missing post

It's quite exciting to wake in the morning and wonder what Blogger has done now, for lo and behold, this morning my missing post is restored, without the comment but hey perhaps I shouldn't be picky. And thank you Robin for letting me know what happened. It's appreciated.

And it's not exactly true that excitement is something I thrive on. Living here is as much excitement as I can do and, by and large, way more than I can do in any given day. My best days, which happen all too rarely, are days filled with small, ordinary, unexciting activities. A little work, some small tidying, cooking a simple meal, a cup of coffee, a cuddling cat on my lap ... or as this morning laptop. The small challenge of keeping him off my keyboard is about as much as I care to be stretched in a day.


Always there is a but, isn't there?

But expereince would suggest that our lives are not meant to be lived in small, easily acheived challenges (not that keeping the Black and White Cat off my keyboard is an easily acheived challenge). Expereince would suggest that growth comes at the point where our own resources aren't up to the events unfolding around us. There are moments when I sulk furiously because Life is so hard and unfortunately even more when I simply do not want to cooperate with a Grand Design that makes no sense to me. Doesn't help, of course, but ....

Like I said, I can do without excitement most days.


........ and with that thought I think I shall go out into the morning and enjoy the deep pleasure of watching the sun rise. In the east Venus and Mercury and Mars should still be close together and at either end of my garden the Hueglins Robin's are singing their hearts out in a territorial statement, and the sun will be as yet a topaz and amber glow on the horizon. 

Simple pleasures.

So good.

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