Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Given my life back

I am not one for pills and potions and what ever the pharmaceutical industry produce.

And amongst the dismay I felt at discovering I have epilepsy was the idea that I would have to take pills to control the seizures for the rest of my life. Not really having a choice in the matter I began taking the medication prescribed ten days ago, and began examining my life to see where it could be made less busy.....per doctors instruction. All a surprising level of cooperativeness from me, who is not renowned for being a cooperative person.

This afternoon, having a no electricity day I have sat in a sunny corner out of the cold wind and luxuriously read my book. An unheard liberty on a weekday afternoon. Finally succumbing to the soothing silence and the sun I simply sat, still, silent, peaceful. Gradually it dawned on me that something was here that I did not really know, a strange comfortableness, an easyness. Idly examining the feeling I discovered I had no headache or eye strain, that I had slept well without the usual plague of nightmares. I was relaxed, happy, in a good place.

Eventually it dawned on me. This is the impact of the pills, and the beginnings of decluttering my life.

I feel as though I have been given new life, and it is marvellous, wondrous, almost to good to be true. I grasp at it greedily with both hands, enjoying every second just in case it should be taken from me again.


  1. wow - fabulous! Chemical imbalances in our brains and bodies can wreck havoc on us, and somehow we come to know that state as "normal" but really, I believe that what you express here is what God intends for us. Blessings, friend.

  2. I am just reading this now, but I am so very glad for you. All three (headache, eyestrain, nightmares), sound like draining pain. I am glad this is not the case for you right now.


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