Sunday, 31 July 2011

Ordinary people

A friend of ours died suddenly and unexpectedly yesterday.

A chest infection kept me still and inactive so I listened to many of the visitors who came with shocked expressions to see and to comfort and to help in any small way. I watched those who had got there, the first responders, friends of many years. It was they who called the doctor and funeral home. I watched the nearly adult children's god father reassure them that he would fetch them from the plane. I watched others make and pour endless tea. I watched still others make beds for the sudden influx of people. I watched them step back and give a shocked and grieving wife something to do. I watched others bring milk and tea and cake and beer and wine and snacks (the flights arrive late in the evening.......there is going to be a lot of waiting around).

So I watched ordinary people do ordinary loving things well and with a fullness of heart.

In the grand scheme of things not a big deal but down at the frontline of life, a difference that may make it possible for resilience to sprout and grow in the face of overwhelming grief.

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