Wednesday 18 April 2012


We are in Pretoria, South Africa for Vetboys graduation. His is a two degree programme so he still has four years to go! The ceremony is tomorrow which meant that today we were free to please ourselves. On the recommendation of the guesthouse manager we sallied forth to visit one of the biggest diamond mines in the world, not as you might think at Kimberley but at Cullinan. We were treated to a fascinating tour of the working mine, including being shown replicas of famous diamonds found there such as those found in the British crown jewels and the teardrop diamond that Richard Burton bought for Elizabeth Taylor. Later we wandered through the old town with it's period buildings transformed into shops until we found a lovely restaurant for lunch. It is ages since my beloved and I had nothing that absolutely had to be done and in which we have been free to simply play. We took full advantage of this unexpected gift of time together and have laughed and been quiet and comfortable together sharing the fun and excitement of discovering somewhere new. Refreshment for both our souls, even if our soles are worn out and we are sitting with our feet up and our noses in our books - well mine shall be shortly!


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