Sunday, 29 April 2012

Evening Mists

I brought this novel in South Africa last week by Tan Twan Eng. Now I mostly don't have time to read novels and can't even say why I bought this book. It seemed like a totally impulse buy at the time and I wondered if I would ever read it. Then this weekend I smashed a finger and much of what I needed to do I could not do, so I took advantage of having the time to read and read my new novel.

And am delighted.

This is a story set in Malayasia, over the last 70 years and includes the Second World War and the Insurgency.   So much of the story is familiar in the sense that it is set in a third world country that had some similar history to my own. I am finding it delightful to read this well written story that speaks so to my own experience.


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