Wednesday, 6 June 2012


Yesterday I broke a finger and it is now bound to my ring finger. People keep saying to me "well, at least it is your left hand". Would be fine, except that I AM left handed.

I have been learning to do all sorts of things right handed which is proving a little interesting and harder than expected. Some things like cleaning my teeth and typing now take conscious effort and it is not to disastrous if I get it wrong (which happens quite a lot). Other things I approach with caution - ironing and kettles are potentially very dangerous if I get it wrong and I do not wish to add burns to the sprain. It is quite sore enough.

Being conscious of unconscious actions and having to think through how I am going to do something is making me wonder how much of my spiritual life is a similar reflex, and how I might become more conscious of what I am doing (without breaking a metaphorical finger I think). Part of the answer lies in simply being more present and paying attention to my actions as I am having to do now. Astonishing how much this focus changes my perspective.


  1. Great example! But sorry your finger is broken.

  2. Oh, sorry about your finger, ouch! But I do think you have made a pointed analogy....


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