Friday, 29 June 2012

Morning Glory

We are experiencing a false "spring" and having been unseasonably cold it is now unseasonably warm. As ever I am wary about words like spring and cold and warm because I know how much they mean different things to different people, depending on where you live. We consider a cold winters day what an Englishman would view as a lovely warm summers day. So bearing this in mind it is lovely and warm today at around 24 deg C and no wind and it shouldn't be quite so warm in the depths of winter.

It was warm in even in the pre dawn morning. So warm that I couldn't resist going outdoors just to be outside barefoot.

And what a wonderful morning it was.

The eastern horizon was burnished orange, fading through salmon to blue. And clear in the deep blue sky hung Venus chasing Jupiter shining brilliantly  and dogged by some small star I don't know the name of. All around the Hueglins Robins sang joyously and with liquid sound from their territories, joined by a chorus of chirping sparrows and the wistful notes of a thrush or two. The air was fresh and clean and tantalising as cold wine. The dry grass crunched under my feet, connecting me to the earth while the sky drew me impossibly upwards.

I was pulled out of my ordinary self into another place of possibility where misery and sadness  recede and joy colours the world. And even briefly this glorious morning I was given grace to allow joy space in my sometimes tortured life.

Ah grace.......

Such a mystery.


  1. Delightful. The weather here is brutal hot. BRUTAL! But still, I love summer. And, then I will rechoice in fall and winter...

  2. I realize this is late but I have read the post several ties and not commented. Thank you for sharing that beauty, and I am so glad you got to delight in it.


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