Monday, 4 February 2013

A beautiful morning

Every now and again we have a beautiful summers morning. A dawning that promises heat in the day as it wanes finally to a golden afternoon wherein the bees buzz busily in the pink basil bush outside my window.

This morning was such a morning.

It was glorious to step outside into the dawning and see the high clouds, floating in a baby blue sky, coloured electric orange, fading to delicate pinks and greys. The morning was a feast for all five senses. The arch of the sky sating my visuals, while the refreshingly wonderful taste of early morning fresh air had me drinking great draughts of it. It's cool moisture touching the bare skin of my arms making me want to dance like a whirling dervish.

Sound and smell similarly overwhelming.

The sweet fragrances of the yellow cassia tree just coming into flower and the Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow mingling to make a perfect perfume that Dior would envy.

And all around the dawn chorus sang in tune with such a beautiful day. A great choir of twittering with the robin chats vibrant  solos rising in counterpoint from different parts of the garden until from the high silky oak tree the hundreds strong flock of splendidly coloured European bee-eaters took to the skies offering their melodic voices in harmony with the multitude of voices already singing the morning into being.

Such mornings are a rare gift, and whatever today may bring my heart has been lifted to new heights in praise and worship this day.


  1. As we settle in for a long day of snow - which is beautiful and delightful - I find myself anticipating the return of summer and all the beauty of that season, too.

  2. How I love to read your descriptions of nature.


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