Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Bees in a bucket

Yesterday we were invaded by a swarm of wild bees who had moved (the bee man thinks) from their rural home to find water. Most likely they settled in my garden because it is organic and lacks artificial fertilizers and chemicals. The bee man came at dusk just as light drizzle set in to gather these bees and take them to one of his hives where they will be safe from extermination and allowed to live bee lives. Carefully he manoeuvred his plastic bucket up underneath them, gave the branch a smart tap and in they dropped neatly as you like.

Hastily he put the lid on as the bees hummed at being disturbed then he disappeared into the evening taking the bees to their new home on the bus.

As he left I found myself thinking that this man's passion and deep love for his bees was something very special and that I had been blessed by the bees visit and in meeting with him.


  1. Bees are amazing, wonderful creatures. I love wonderful raw honey. But bee stings are not so nice. Very cool image, the bee man, tending to his bees.

  2. I love the image of the bees riding the bus!


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